My friend Kalpana and I had been planning to go to a Farmer’s Market for a couple of weeks and after making sure it was going to be a warm day, we met up early this morning, with list in one hand and a bag in the other, ready for a good shop.

But neither of us did our homework. Turns out the market doesn’t open until April! So we sat in the car thinking what to do instead when this huge flock of starlings came within feet of our car. How lucky was I to happen to have a camera in hand just when I needed it! I just wikipediad “a flock of starlings” and learned that it is called a Murmuration of Starlings. I know you wanted to know that!

Didn’t take us long to decide on going to Half Moon Bay Nursery instead, and half an hour later, we were happily going through aisles of beautiful plants, oohing and aahing and having a tough time deciding what NOT to get!
This is fast becoming a tradition for Kalpana and I as we are at our happiest when we’re plant shopping. We tend to lose ourselves there and the morning just flew by.
We loaded the car with all our goodies of the day and headed for home but not before making plans to go to the Farmer’s Market Stand next!! Can’t wait!
if everthing goes well i would like to start a goat farm.supplying 400 or more maltese cheese a week .what is prefered goat or sheep