My grandparents owned a bakery way back before I was born, which was then rented out to a wonderful family while we lived on the top floor until I was a teenager. As a little girl, I used to go down to the bakery and “help” knead the bread as much as an 8 yr old could. I was never told I was not doing it right…I just rolled that dough with all my might and although it never came out as round as it should, it was still the best bread ever!! Probably that was when my love for bread making started.
This is why my family became known as Tal-Forn and how I was always called Georgina ta’ Maryanne tal-Forn…how cute is that!
Here we are in my nanna’s kitchen which was practically where we lived. Door literally always open to friends and family who would pop in for a cuppa tea and a slice of cake! And my mum’s house is still the same to this day…such fond memories…
Happy Birthday, missus!
This is the best birthday gift you could give her. Way to go!!!!!
I’m speechless and so touched by this beautiful site you have made for me…all those nights you’ve been working on this and I had no idea!! This is the best ever!! Thank you sooo much…as someone once said…You’re a Keeper!! And as somebody else once said “This is the best b’day gift ever…way to go” Love you qalbi…I’m going to have such a good time with this…sharing my photos with my friends and family!! Turning 51…it’s a good thing 🙂
This is such a lovely present for a lovely friend. Happy birthday Georgina xxxxxx
Thank you Jane…:)
Very lovely site! I am very happy I will still get to enjoy the pictures and stories behind your amazing food creations. Best of luck in the coming year!
Happy happy birthday, G!!
Happy Happy Birthday to you G! Beautiful site!!! Look at all that you have done!!!
Been especially fun baking with you Ivy! From breads to truffles to cheeses!! Looking forward to making more with you here 🙂
Happy birthday my dearest….wish I could be there with you….Now you have got a job!!!! Keep this site updated 😀
Thank you so much everyone…for your my b’day wishes…and I look forward to posting more food/family/craft photos on here…which I hope you will enjoy as well…can’t wait to start. Stay tuned…:)
I love art that smells and taste delicious and full of heart, as is certainly true of everything on this site that I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing. Happy birthday, Georgina, and here’s to a future full of tasty adventures.
Thank you Roni…wasn’t looking forward to another b’day…but it was a good one 🙂
Lovely site I am looking forward to the photos and tips! XxxX
Please may I have a Devonshire Split delivered to London by 1200 GMT on Thu 16th Jan!
Ha ha…sorry I missed the deadline…:)
This website is wonderful. It’s a great tribute to our heritage. I was born in that bakery, unfortunately didn’t have the privilege to be raised there. Love it cuz. Looking forward to seeing it grow. Your cooking has always amazed me!
Oh Rita, thank you for your sweet comment. We all have our lovely memories of the little Bakery that was! I hope to bring more stories from the past and put them on here. If you or anyone you know has any photos of the Bakery, please please please scan me some and I’ll put them on here for all the family and friends to enjoy. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you here 🙂
happy birthday my dear friend xxxxxxxxxxxx amazing site
Thank you Elena…will be working on it and adding recipes and stories as I go along…hope to be on this for the long haul 🙂
As I said earlier in a private email to you, however want the world to know this website brings tears to my eyes. It’s such a wonderful tribute to you and shows so much of who you are throughout the pictures and the creations done by you. Marvelous job by Kevin. Can’t wait to watch it grow.
Hi Di…I hope I don’t disappoint…so far I’m soo enjoying myself 🙂 Thank you qalbi 🙂
Georgina ta’ Maryanne tal-Forn has a beautiful ring to it. Love your site and will be following along.
Oh so nice to have you on board Jen…looking forward to see you!
I was just checking for a Gbejniet Recipe and the Title struck me – thought I’ll pop in and say Hi!! from Ontario, Canada. thank you for your recipe I will try and get the Rennet tablets and try it.
I to have recipes from the time I was a teen in Malta, and attended the Housecraft School in Floriana (1964). The teachers their taught us everything about cooking and we got to eat most of the recipes – the rest went to some Government celebration of some-kind. since I’m retired, I managed to do my recipes on the computer with Excel sheets and all – as I still have the Excerise booklet (il-Pitaz) from school. My mother-in-law (Palestinian by birth) also taught me how to cook Arabic food too. I Wish I can put it on a website too BUT don’t know how – any HINTS!!
Great site, all the Best!
Hi Margaret, Thanks for dropping by…
You must have a treasure of recipes then…how wonderful is that! It’s funny but recipes also go thorugh a fashion phase don’t they?? The old becomes new again and I hope that you get to find a way to blog them and share them with the world. As for me, it was my husband who put this blog together for me. Maybe you can start from here http://wordpress.com/…I believe it shows you how to do a blog step by step. If you do start a blog, please come back here and share your link…I’d love to see the recipes you have…I am so impressed that you still have the exercise books from way back when…well done!Let me know if you need any help with the gbejniet 🙂
Thank you! I was surprised to see the Site on my email, as i expected an email from you – well now i know how it works hahaa!! yes i just took a look at the site and i will try it tomorrow. it sounds interesting. I will start with the basic one for now till i get some stuff in there.
As for the Rennet Junklets – I had a hard time finding these in the Bulk places, I will have to do some more research and a Nutrition places. we already buy the fresh cheese from a farm and then salt it heavily, and boil it, let it cool and then freeze it, nothing at all the way you do it. I am willing to give it a try as it will save us money doing it at home for me and the in-laws.
Thanks once again, we shall chat again soon.
Margaret, if you can’t find the junkets, let me know…I find them easily here at the supermarket, and it’ll be no big deal sending you some.
Oooh, look…I just did a search and look what I found 🙂
They’re about the same price as the store I get mine from.
Good luck on your blog…can’t wait to see it when it’s done 🙂
Love your site. I live in Los Angeles and for awhile I was able to buy frozen pastizzi from a friend of my mothers. She stopped making them and doesn’t teach how. I was born in Malta in my grandmothers house
Right across from the beautiful Meditterranean. We moved to the United. states in the fifties and though I have been back several times to visit close relatives learning how to make pastizzi wasn’t on the agenda. My heart and soul still aches for that lovely island, the traditional foods, the beautiful sea and my aunt and cousins. My mother never learn d how to make pastizzi either as it was made by their cook or they were so easy to buy. I followed yours recipe and the dough is resting in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. I’m crossing my fingers and hope the next step goes well.
That is the sweetest comment ever! I am keeping my fingers crossed for your dough also and I hope it is just how you like it to be. Of course nothing comes out the same, no matter how hard we try as the ingredients are different. BUT I hope it comes close at least. Thank you so much for sharing your story. So many people left Malta and are living abroad but it will always hold a special place in our heart. I’d be very happy to hear how they came out for you. If you need any help with anything, just shoot me a msg…I’ll be happy to help where I can.
Thanks, you’re so sweet!
I will give it a shot again at the store.
Bye for now
I wish to thank you and your husband for this wonderful idea that both of you had in starting this and now you can check out my new site/blog. I have a lot to enter in it but I will put them in slowly.
I t took me a while to understand the categories and widgets but after confusing myself and gave headaches to my daughters i managed to patiently learn it and almost perfected it.
I will also later try to make it more lively like yours with bits of anecdotes.
So check it and let me know what you think.
As for the rennet Junklets, i will wait for that now that i am too excited about this i will leave the Gbejniet alone for now.
regards, Margaret
Oh you’re much better than I am Margaret because I needed a lot of help to carry this on and luckily my husband is very patient and still helps me now. I wish you all the best on your blog…can’t wait to see it…you might have forgotten to put in a link for me to follow though…
I wish you the best….
go to the website above or better yet just incase you can’t see it
I will eventually put in the travel & garden part too, but right now I need the recipes in as that was always my main goal.
I managed to insert some media – Platters photos too -Sooo excited after all these years trying to get to do this and pass it on to the next generation. Thank you once again.
Sahha! U jekk tkunu law ghadu!
Margaret and Edward
Prosit Margaret…I just had a look and wow!! You have been working hard…so many delicious recipes…and I’m very happy that I was a small part of your dream come true 🙂 Well done… 🙂
Hello Georgina, I have to say, I haven’t been on your site for quite some time, retiring is not helping as I get busy with other stuff through the day. I’m trying to go back on track on my WordPress site, changed the name by-the-way to http://spicesnsalt.wordpress.com
from dine…… wordpress.com as posted a few years ago.
I too like Marionwould like to make the Ftira recipe someday, so I’ll check it out.
Have fun with with your site building.
Margaret Bowman Dahdah, now living in Nova Scotia, Canada
Hi Georgina: Just wanted to command you on a great job you did with your site. Like others, I was searching for gbejniet recipe and I stumble on your site……very impressive, best Maltese recipes I’ve seen! Your site brought me rushing memories of all the recipes my mother cooked……with no written recipes or measurements; all in her head; wished I would have had her write them all down. I was also born in Malta, arrived in S .F. when I was 12 and now living in Granite Bay, CA. I signed up for you blog and looking forward to visiting frequently. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes and stories……loved your photos.
Hi Vivi…thank you so much and I am so glad you’re enjoying the blog…it’s been a while since I posted anything but please, if there’s a certain recipe that you would like and can’t find it, don’t hesitate to ask…I might have it in my big pile of handwritten or maltese books…and I’ll be more than happy to share. I always check to see if I have any mail…
Grazzi Haffna. If I ever need a Maltese recipe I know who to ask now. I’ve been gone from Malta for 59 yrs, so my Maltese is not as great as it use to be, but I think they have made changes to the writing/language.
Sahha & have a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!!
Oh wow…have you ever gone back Vivi? That’s a long time…last time I was there was in 2007 and I saw such a difference. I wish I could visit more often. I heard about the changes in the written language and it made me sad tell you the truth…I wish they would leave it alone. Lovely to hear from you…all the best to you too 🙂
Hello: no, never been back….been considering it, but keep being told the cost is a lot!
I think the saddest moment on a blog ~~ is when the blogger goes away, and never says why or good bye. I loved your posts, recipes and your kindnesses. So many people enjoyed your blog and we’re encouraged. You are missed. Be well, be happy, and hopefully, come back here and share again
HI – I have baked your recipe for Ftira today as I am interested in buns/bread with a hole. It work well and we liked it very much. Do yu have any idea why your ‘ancestors’ made a whole in the bread? What is the purpose/reason? Thanks Marion
Oh so happy you decided to try this recipe and that you liked it.
So that’s a good question which unfortunately I don’t know the answer to but I can tell you that I prefer ftira to Malta’s most popular bread because there’s more crust which I love.
Enjoying the Ftira for many childhood years in Malta.
I believe they got the idea to make it easier to carry when going to the FORN ( or the Bakery store) where our mum use to get us to go there to bake our Baked Pasta and Baked and Roasted Meat and potatoes, due to lack of funds to get ourselves an home oven. It was easy to carry the bread inside our arm and hold the hot tray at the same time.
Quickly getting home with a handful of Yummy stuff.
Now this is only my version of it as that’s what I did.
Any one else has an Idea
It is a possibility.
I did ask my mum if she knew why and she thinks it might be that it would puff up if there’s no hole in the middle. And this way(with the hole), it remains flat.
Hahaa that’s a thought!!!!
I was just on your, but can’t seem to get to the Ftira recipe, is it because I didn’t go directly to your site and instead I went through my email response – like I am doing now.
Oh and by the way where are situated in Malta??
OOps I did find out where you’re at, and the recipe – scrolling down – impatient. Aging is not a good thing have a great evening.
Lol no worries 🙂