My mum knows me more than I know myself and lucky for me, she takes what I say with a grain of salt.

By Edward Calleja
She had been telling me about this Maltese Recipe Book for months and just how good the recipes were. We’d be sharing a cup o’ coffee together over skype when I’d catch a glimpse of a tray of cookies she’d just made and every time she would say that she had followed a recipe from Edward’s Book! And every time she’d say that she’ll send it to me, and every time I tell her not to. It was a game we played quite often, with me having the last word of course!
Or so I thought because she sent it to me anyway…knowing fully well that she’d get told off for it but also that I’d love it and sure enough, my mum was right as she always is.
This book is fast becoming my go to book for Maltese Baking. I have had excellent results with all the recipes I’ve tried so far and I thought I’d share this one with you. These are my favourite traditional Almond Cookies. They are a staple at weddings and baptisms and Cafes any time of the year!

So for those of us who can’t just pop into a cafe and order a dozen or two to take home, this is a simple recipe that will definitely satisfy your craving. One thing you have to remember is that you need to start these the night before as they need to dry overnight or from 6-8 hours!
Another thing is that even though these are easy to make, you do need a bit of muscle as the consistency of the dough does not pipe easily. So consider yourselves warned!!
The recipe makes about 3 dozen and is adapted from Suċċess Bil-Helu by Edward Calleja.
250g pure ground almond
250g powdered sugar
3/8 cup egg whites or the whites of 3 eggs
rind of half a lemon
1tsp almond essence
rice paper optional
cherries for decoration
Place the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
Beat egg whites in a separate bowl.
Slowly pour egg whites in with the almonds and sugar and stir until you see it’s well mixed. The mixture should not be too soft.
Put rice paper in the pan.
Scoop the mixture and put in a 16-18 inch piping bag with a Wilton 1M tip. Pipe the mixture on top of rice paper or silpat as shown about an inch apart.
Place a quarter cherry on top.
Let dry overnight.

Next morning preheat oven at 375 degrees and bake for about 10-12 mins until light golden colour depending on your oven.