Dedicated to…

RecipeOne of my greatest passions is baking…being in the kitchen with a bag of flour, sugar and some eggs and I’m in my own happy little world.  I’ve collected many recipes along the years…and most are still on scraps of paper that I’ve been meaning to re write and store in a nice folder maybe even alphabetised or grouped by ingredients…after all isn’t that what Martha says to do?

Well that’s a perfect world…

Who hasn’t bought that cookbook because of the scrumptious looking cupcake on the cover and then find that there’s really only one recipe in the whole book that you actually like? Then there are those recipes torn from the magazine at the dentist’s office that looked soo good and had full intentions of making as soon as you get that one ingredient.  In the pile they go.Recipe The recipes I love and treasure the most are the ones that are shared between friends and old family recipes.  They take you back to that friend’s tea party you went to where you tasted the best scones ever.  And that chocolate cinnamon cake you grew up with and you find that your cousin still has that recipe in your nanna’s handwriting.  And the pile keeps getting bigger and bigger.

These are all my favourite tried and true recipes


Dedicated to Dylan and Jazz so they can have a taste of home wherever life may take them…

3 thoughts on “Dedicated to…”

  1. hello I like to know the receipt of apple pie maltese ball-shaped; the dough look like the Qassatat
    Thank you very much
    one greedy french

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